Saturday, 21 January 2017

When SEO Depends On Quality Web Design - Attributes Of Responsive Website Design

The everyday online user is less aware of how important a responsive website design is to the success of not just the site by every other related use of the site, be it business or social purposes. Professional website design services are a vital support that most web-based businesses need to stay afloat, without which the sites may miss the much-needed daily visitors (online traffic). Hence, hiring the right provider for such services is an unspoken requirement for every online business that seeks to make its mark on the World Wide Web.

When it comes to SEO, having a good website regarding design is one thing and having a website design that is responsive in various areas of its use is another. Here are some of the essential qualities that signify that website design is responsive. Knowing these conditions will help you understand the importance of website design. Therein, you will know which services to expect when having a website designed or developed for your business.

A Flawless Navigation 

A good website design should result in a site that is easy to navigate. Having the right image is important. In business, the image is often a huge deal; image is everything, and most people are often too quick to settle for a great looking site. If it is easy to the eye, it will rake in more visitors. However, those visitors are bound to bail and opt to visit other sites if they cannot navigate from one page to the next. Use website screenshot generator tool to get some insights on this.

Outstanding UI 

You should aim at having a user-friendly site that offers what every visitor expects. Most website developers or designers create sites considering certain factors that include the product marketed on the website and target audience. Usability is a critical element, and the site should be accessible by all who visit. The fonts need to be large, vivid colors, readable, and with a good navigation. This brings in the need to consider a good responsive web design tester tool. New standard set by Google, Bing, and other search engines stipulate that the UI should offer a flawless response for both mobile-based and computer base online users.

Brand Identity 

A good website design offers a visual language that businesses can use to market their brand across different contexts. Things such as the company logo, cards, products, and services all work as a coherent whole with the website design resulting in an online brand identity. With a good response and website design measures in place, the identity can be consistent thus creating an unforgettable impression.

Content Support 

When all else is said and done, the content on a site is what fuels its existence. Post irrelevant content and the site loses meaning to all visitors. However, you need to have good content; people opt to exert less effort when trying to comprehend what you are expressing on your website.

Exudes Professionalism 

A well-built website is a definite hint of some professional features incorporated into its design, which create a picture of professionalism in what the business has to offer. Everything from the website logo to the website page speed, the interface, and content all stand out to form a singular demonstration of uniqueness, a fit that a good website response can offer.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Why Your SEO Strategy Should Give a Higher Focus to Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is the gateway to reaching a higher number of potential customers building more online traffic that translates to more profits for your business. However, this is the gateway that is yet to be fully tapped. Nevertheless, the projections of the next three years show that more than half the current number of Internet users will be using the World Wide Web via the cell phones and other portable devices.

Mobile marketing brings in a more personalized and interactive relationship with online users. Think of it not as a means of sending unlimited text messages and emails to your customers but a mobile-friendly approach to reach a greater online audience with mobile web and web-based cell phone applications. According to current statistics, there is a cutthroat competition within the mobile direct marketing arena, and it is relentless and ever-growing. Make sure to check your site first with responsive web design tester tool.

Increase in Online Mobile Users and Customers 

The number of cellphone users is currently over 4 billion, and this means the number of cell phone owners is five times that of computer and laptop owners that use home internet. Various IT research and wed development companies predict that the next three years will see more than half the current number of Internet users using portable devices such as phones and tablets to access the internet. It is a simple conclusion derived from the fact that the current generation is very “digital conscious” and thus is always hungry for technologies that make it simple to communicated, buy, and do other life activities while “on-the-go.”

It is projected that the opportunities for mobile transactions will increase as the number of mobile users increases, most of whom will use it to purchase and pay for goods and services. According to some survey findings, there is a growing global trend mobile-based internet activity that includes online transactions done via phones. It is a trend seen across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, America, and Western Europe. The survey showed 90% of the respondents had made direct purchases of goods and services using their mobile phones.

The Growing Mobile Marketing Trend 

Mobile marketing is still relatively a new practice though it has resulted in an increase in potential target audiences. Mobile marketing is a marketing campaign that incorporates the use of mobile devices such as cellphones to assess the internet or offline communication options such as text messaging for a business to communicate with its customers. Around 30% of the online marketers are currently using various forms of mobile marketing, which shows a significant growth as various supports sources such as magazines and other forms of services popping up to avail the necessary information.

However, mobile advertising has shown a huge growth in the last two years or so, with an almost 100% growth across all continents. As more and more universal portable devices keep emerging and the new technology advanced mobile broadband, coupled with the changing consumer behavior, the growth in mobile marketing is most likely to accelerate. Marketing vendors seem acutely aware of this fact with some coming up with unique marketing strategies such as Do-it-Yourself mobile marketing campaigns that are easy to run via a PC and phones.